If you are…
A follower of Jesus who knows the Bible says you are supposed to be prosperous but feel stuck at just enough, just in time, survival provision (or less) which is causing stress, worry, and strained relationships in your life…
Then this book is for you.
Many believers don’t know how to prosper financially in the Kingdom of God. They give, but rarely, if ever, see increase. They see where Jesus said give and it will be given back to you. But it isn’t working for them in the area of their finances. They sow financial seed, but don’t know how to harvest.
God’s ways are higher than the world’s ways. And His ways are almost exactly backwards from the world’s ways too. In the world’s way of doing things, the strong dominate the weak, and the rich oppress the poor. But the Kingdom of God is different. In the Kingdom of God, the strong defend the weak, and the wealthy bless the poor. God’s Kingdom is designed so that everyone can prosper. God truly does have answers to all our questions, even the tough ones about money. God’s grace has made perfect provision for our every need. His Kingdom provides ways for us to prosper in every area of our lives, including financially.
It is God’s desire that you become a financial resource for His Kingdom. But you cannot give away what you don’t yet have. Therefore we must leave the world’s ways of prospering financially behind and start walking in God’s ways instead.
What’s Inside
Here is what you can expect when you purchase the full book. We invest the first three chapters to help establish your heart so you can move into a place of faith to see God work in your finances. Here is what you can expect.
1. A Tale of Two Systems — Jesus said you cannot serve God and mammon. Discover the difference between the world’s cursed mammon system and the Kingdom of God. Learn to recognize how each system works and also how to protect your heart from the love of money.
2. The Power of Promises — The promises of God are incredibly powerful. Every one of His promises are “Yes!” and “Amen!” through Christ. We partake in God’s divine nature and inherit Kingdom of God by receiving His promises.
3. God Glorified in Answering Prayers — We have a responsibility as believers to pray boldly and specifically. Not only will that grow your faith and move you towards experiencing God’s best for your life, but it will also bring God more glory in the process.
4. Alms: God’s Provision for the Poor — God promises to bless you when you give to the poor. Jesus also gave specific instructions not to talk about it when we give alms. There is a very specific reason why He told us not to share about our giving to the poor.
5. The Tithe: Protecting What God Has Given Us — Money is a creation of the world’s cursed mammon system. Even so, God provides the mechanism of the tithe to move our money out of the world’s system and into the Kingdom of God where He can bless our finances in very specific ways. The reason the tithe is so controversial today is because the enemy wants to keep you from receiving the powerful promise God makes concerning the the tithe.
6. Firstfruits: Keeping the Storehouse Full — When we honor God with a portion of our increase, He promises to bless us in very specific ways in return.
7. Partnership: Expanding the Kingdom of God — God gives you access to the same blessing and anointing He has placed on ministries and ministers by partnering with them financially. This is a principle of the Kingdom that goes all the way back to King David.
8. How to Plant and Receive a Harvest— Most believers sow financial seed exactly backwards from how God reveals in His word. As a result, they rarely see any harvest from their giving. When you understand the process God put in place, and how you must rely on your relationship with Him to see your harvest, your results will change for the better.